NAYLOR Engineering
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About Us

Greetings from the new Naylor Engineering:

My name is David King.  I am the new owner of Naylor Engineering.  I purchased Naylor Engineering in 1999 and moved the business from Detroit to Dallas, where I live.

My career includes 20 years of experience in Audio Engineering and Satellite Communications.  I spent 5 years in the audio recording industry in Los Angeles and then became involved in satellite communications.  During the past 1 5 years, I have installed and/or operated satellite systems in 31 countries and have broadcast numerous events.

During the first three years of the business, I set up the manufacturing facilities and perfected the assembly techniques that are required to build the amps and cabinets to the original Naylor specifications.  In July of 2002, the first amp was built, a Super-Club 38™ Head.  In fact, Joe Naylor himself played through that amp during the 2002 Guitar Show in Arlington, Texas and Joe said, “You got it right.”

A number of individuals and dealers have called or e-mailed asking, “Are the amps built the same way as before?”  The answer is YES!  As part of my purchase of Naylor Engineering, I received all design and engineering specifications, actual working models of all the amps, component layout boards, all the assembly jigs (including the wood working jigs), the full line of cabinets which were fully assembled, lots of component inventory and other information relevant to the assembly of the amps and cabinets.

In other words, I have everything needed to faithfully continue the Naylor product line exactly as it was.  All assembly processes are done (or supervised) by me, and I personally guarantee the rich tones and quality sound that made the Naylor Amps and Speakers famous.

Thanks again for your patience and support in helping bring the great Naylor name back to the marketplace.


David E. King, Owner
Naylor Engineering


Naylor Engineering • P.O. Box 222058 • Dallas, Texas 75222-2058 • 214-628-4710
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